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MH Tsai

Agile Development Introduction - Roles

Scrum - Roles

Before deep diving into the roles in a scrum team, you can read this Agile Development Introduction if you're not familiar with it.

There are three main roles in a Scrum team

  1. Scrum Master
  2. Product Owner
  3. Tech Lead

⁠Scrum Master

The role of Scrum Master is responsible for importing and executing Scrum (including coordinating and arranging meetings) to achieve commercial value. This role does not directly manage team members, nor is it a Product Manager or Team Lead. On the contrary, the Scrum Master is a service team role. There will be a lot of friction among members when Scrum is executed, and the Scrum Master should try to remove these frictions.

Project Owner

One of the most important responsibilities of the Project Owner is to decide what to do and what not to do because how many things can be produced in a period of time is limited, what functions to produce and what corrections to make will be the most valuable, this decision is very important. In addition, writing a good requirement description (Requirement Description) and expected output (Acceptance Criteria) is a very important task for the Project Owner.

Tech Lead ( Development Team )

Tech Lead evaluates the gap between the developed requirements and the current technical architecture of the product. The three most important tasks of a Tech Lead are:

1. Reasonable reduction of uncertainty (Uncertainty)
2. Assess the need for technical debt
3. Whether to use third-party services to complete the requirements

The above three points can allow Sprint to be completed within the expected risk during the execution process.

Next, let's get into some critical meetings in Scrum.

2025 ❤️ MH (Frank) Tsai